What’s not to love about guitar? They produce good sound quality but require proper care to keep them safe from bumps and drastic weather changes. It also needs regular tuning and maintenance to last you a long time.
Among countless materials available, carbon fiber has the characteristics of being lightweight, has good strength, and boasts extreme durability. When these attributes are applied to a guitar, everything becomes a perfect combination. We hope to create a compact, versatile, and powerful guitar to accompany you every step of the way.
Yet another carbon fibre guitar in the market. Joytar claims to be the “world’s first unibody carbon fibre guitar” when it isn’t.
There are several options that you can find on Amazon. Brands like KLOS, LAVA ME and Enya have been around for a while. Carbon fibre isn’t cheap, so KLOS tries to keep things affordable. LAVA ME went the unibody route.
So what does Joytar bring?
The patented Power Nest™ acoustic beam structure was developed through extensive professional tests to ensure its finest results. The carbon fiber rod and prepreg are integrated to form an extremely thin yet sturdy guitar panel.
As we Critical Bears always mention, Kickstarter creators should show proof of their patent. It is not enough to just claim to have a patented technology or feature. We have seen too many Kickstarter projects that say they have patented something when it is actually pending patent, or in some cases just the patent application.
I don’t expect brands to show their patents to consumers. But the backers on Kickstarter are not consumers. That’s a fallacy many Kickstarter creators have. Your backers are the people who believe in your idea and dream. They are not just your early adopters. They are the ones who chose to trust you and back you to bring your project to life.
Your backers are your investors. They are the ones who seed the capital you need to produce your first batch of products. It is fair that you assure your investors with proof of your patent.
I’ll end my rant here because this article is about Joytar. Just to be clear, I’m not directing this tirade at Joytar. The topic came up since I was talking about their patented feature.
Joytar team, if you’re reading this, please do share the patent details on the campaign. It’ll help you gain a lot of credibility.
Here are some reviews if you’re curious how it sounds.
Hi, I’m Takeshi.
I’m a cyborg bear. You might think I go for techy stuff, but I do have an artistic side and appreciate good design.
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